Your donations make a difference.
Thank you for your support.
Monetary Donations
Martin House is a residential program that provides supportive services to 54 individuals who were homeless or threatened with homelessness due primarily to mental health conditions.
Because of Martin House, the men and women we serve have an opportunity to rebuild their lives while residing in a dignified, empowering community and develop a foundation from which to go on to secure permanent housing.
Help us fulfill our wishlist
Twin bedding, sheets pillow cases, and pillows
Vacuum cleaners (may be gently used)
Swiffer Wet/Dry Mops
Swiffer Wet Floor Wipes
Soap/Shower Gel/Toiletries
Laundry Detergent/Bleach
SEAT Bus Passes
Batteries - AAA, AA, C, D & 9V
Hard plastic cereal/soup bowls and silverware
Cleaning products
Gift Cards for local stores, Stop&Shop, Shop-Rite, Big Y, Home Depot, gas cards
Leave a Legacy
Martin House, Inc. is a participant in Leave a Legacy Connecticut, an annual statewide public awareness campaign to encourage people to make gifts from their estates to support causes they care about. By remembering nonprofits in your estate plans, you can help improve the lives of future generations of Connecticut residents. Interested individuals are encouraged to discuss their intentions with financial and estate planners. When you make a charitable bequest, there is no end to the good you can do.